Sunday, August 3, 2008

School starts on Aug 19th

<--This is our walk to school every morning.  It's a new development on the outskirts of Bandung.  It takes us about 20 minutes to get from our house to the school.

Well we made it safe and sound. We have begun to settle into the house the school has rented for us.

This first week is orientation for the new teachers, and the second week is In-Service teacher preparations. We are at the end of our first week and have had a crash course of Bahasa Indonesia. We'll continue with language lessons into the next few weeks.  Tiff and I have seen our classrooms, it's beginning to feel more real now.  We're starting to get our classrooms prepared for the students to come on the 19th. 

Ok here is a piece of our first Indonesian language lesson:

Kami tinggal di Kota Baru Parayangun.
We live in the new city of the Sundanese land